I've been remiss in my updates, and I guess plenty of things have happened since the last time I posted. Sorry about all that. We had a nice enough holiday season. New Year's Eve was awesome!
Throughout the holidays I was worrying about whether or not I'd have a job on what I've come to call "The Day of Reckoning" - January 7. This was the official Day One start of the new JDA-owned RedPrairie, and everyone was supposed to find out whether they still had a job or not on this day.
I am happy to report that I am among those who are part of the new company. I'll be working in Customer References once more, which is nice because I loved my manager that I used to work in References with. She was the one who hired me as an intern, and I worked for her for 3 1/2 years before moving into a different role. While I won't be directly reporting to her anymore, it will be nice to be on the same team again!
I'm looking forward to getting a chance to give Customer References another go - this time hopefully we can do everything we wish we could have done before, and more. And I get to go to Vegas in February.