Tuesday, February 12, 2013


I have stumbled into a pattern of starting posts for the blog, only to lose enthusiasm halfway, or to realize/decide that either no one will care about what I'm writing about, or that I don't actually feel like sharing it all that much.  Sorry, if you were hoping to catch up on the following topics, they will not be forthcoming:

  • What I got for Christmas
  • Ladies' shopping excursion and subsequent makeup reviews
  • My trip to Milwaukee Public Museum and a rant about our society's disconnect from nature
  • Movie reviews for "Parental Guidance" and a few other films
  • A rant about Twitter and how much I don't like it
  • My business trip to Las Vegas
  • Home decorating & improvement updates
For now I am just too busy between work (post-merger there is a HEAP of stuff on my plate now, whereas post-wedding and pre-merger I had a ton of spare time, even at work), church, friends (hooray real-life socialization!), family, household chores, and me-time (which includes weekly ballet class) to come up with witty and read-worthy posts for the public's delectation. 

Maybe this summer things will loosen up.  Until then, thanks for reading, if you were, and hang in there!  "You haven't seen the last of [me]!"