Thursday, December 20, 2012

Fox Hunt

Update on the Crossroads Circle fox(es): he, or they, is, or are, alive and well.

Nobody has seen hide nor hair of Mr. Fox (we'll assume it's a gentleman fox until proven otherwise) all week. On my way into the building I noticed some scatological evidence of the fox's presence over the weekend.  But I couldn't be sure how recent it was, if you catch my drift.

Upon taking my lunch-time stroll around the office park on Wednesday, I happened to see some tracks in the freshly fallen snow.  I didn't want to jump to conclusions, since I know we surely have raccoons, squirrels, and rabbits in the area.  But based upon basic nature observations gained throughout my life, I quickly deduced that the gait demonstrated in these tracks was not right for a raccoon, with its short front legs and big fat hindquarters.  And I surely knew the tracks were too large and wrongly spaced to be from rabbits or squirrels.

The tracks seemed very similar to those left by my dog, only neater - if that makes sense - and smaller.  Since foxes are canines, this was enough to convince me that these are indeed the footprints of our fox friend (or his fox friends and family)!

I passed them at first, thinking not much of them, but upon further reflection I decided to have a little fun and try to track the fox.  Perhaps I could find out where he's been resting, other than our building's mulch!  It appears that the fox was using the walking path part of the time, which was clear of snow by the time I was using it.  So his tracks would weave in and out, appearing here, disappearing into the sidewalk, then emerging some 10 feet down the path.

He seemed interested in walking up to each small tree that lines the path - maybe to sniff it, or to mark it.  Or possibly to check for prey?  The fox clearly has a very comfortable run of the entire business park - I followed his trail across the parking lots and landscaping of 5 different buildings, which makes up about half of the area, before I got too cold and headed inside.

I traced the tracks back through the lot of one business to the place where some landscaping and a small forest separate the business park from a retirement community to the south made up of a few multi-story apartment buildings.  Judging by the large number of dumpsters in the area, as well as the slightly wooded terrain, I am guessing Mr. Fox has been dining happily on mice (or rats!) for quite some time, only becoming noticeable as the fall foliage has disappeared.

I'd love to go back over there sometime when there aren't so many people around, though I doubt I can convince anyone to make the trip over to my work on a weekend just to traipse about in the snow with me.  I would love to explore the parking lots and the big empty field to the west without the scrutiny of the buildings' tenants.

Alas, I'm sure I won't discover the fox's den.  Perhaps I won't even see him again.  But I feel privileged to have gotten the few close glimpses that I did!  Carry on, Mr. Fox!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Pipe Dreams

If I were a kajillionaire, what would I do?

I would donate a good amount of money to causes that I believe in. I would donate to museums, schools and libraries.

I would pay off my family members' and friends' mortgages and college bills, or at least make a sizable contribution.

I would employ a personal hairdresser and massage therapist, not every day but maybe the massage once a week and the hair dresser every other day.  I really hate washing my hair - it would be awesome to have someone else wash and style my hair (or at least do a blow-out).  It's so thick and it's such a chore!

I would invest in a nicer wardrobe - nothing ridiculous, but maybe spending $30 on a shirt here and there instead of $5.  Making the choice to buy quality that will last and always be in style over cheap, trendy items. Especially when it comes to shoes.

I would pay off the house we live in now, and either use some money to renovate things we're not 100% happy with (kitchen, basement, upstairs bathroom, electrical, new windows, yard, build on a sun porch with French doors...) or buy a new house in an awesome area that fits our needs more exactly.  But I wouldn't buy a huge-ass house.  Just doesn't seem necessary, and I'm a person who likes smaller, cozy rooms rather than giant tall ceilings and open-concept floor plans.  Give me a rabbit warren instead of a cathedral any day!

Once a month, I would dine out and pay for a random person's dinner.  And of course I would tip generously.

I'd continue to work, but since I'd be a kajillionaire I could focus on doing work that speaks to me and has meaning to me rather than just working someplace to pay the bills.  Perhaps we could do something awesome like open an animal shelter, a youth center, or just running the coolest used books and miscellany store ever.

I would preserve historic buildings and protect wildlife. I would visit museums more often and I would travel more.  I would take some college courses in the subjects I'm truly interested in, maybe getting a Master's degree in whatever my final muse ends up being.

I think we are all continually learning and changing - it's ludicrous to ask someone to decide what they want to do with the next 40 to 70 years of their life at the ripe old age of 18 (or younger).  There are so many things I would change if I had the chance.

Monday, December 17, 2012

A Fox Jumped Up

I know I have been a bit sporadic with my updates here.  Sorry about that!

First a housekeeping note:  If you want to know what I think of Friday's terrible shootings, you can talk to me in person or via chat or whatever.  It's not my place to spout off about it on the internet, and I'm not going to.  I am not an expert and I do not have all the facts.

In happier news, we saw a fox at my work last week!  He showed up for several days in a row - he seems to like to bed down in the mulch around the building. When my coworkers and I arrive at work we wake him up, I think.  He wasn't there this morning, though.  Hope he's okay.  Here is a photo that my talented coworker Jon Good snagged of him:

In other work-related news, my boss came back from maternity leave last week so I finally have some leadership again!  Also I found out there is no one doing Customer Marketing on "the other side of the mirror" at JDA, so I have no evil mirror twin to compete against for my job.  It's still a toss up whether I'll stay or go on January 7, however.  The "new company" could decide I'm dead weight and an extra mouth to feed, or they could decide that I've got value but only as a References worker again, or they could say "Customer Marketing?  What a phenomenal idea!  Let's put lots of effort into growing that program over the next two years."  So 2/3 I keep my job, 1/3 I lose it I guess.  Maybe the odds are slightly in my favor.

Otherwise things are mostly fine on my end.  We had a disappointing attempt at installing a new bathroom fan, which we have declared a fool's errand.  That project has been scrapped.  We got some of those Instabulbs while at Bed Bath & Beyond, and this has actually been a cost-effective "solution" to our light-less basement stairwell.  For now, anyway.  Where there once was no light, there is now something.  It's a soft, dim light but it's bright enough to see the stairs, which is all I require of it.  I like that if I wanted to I could carry it down the stairs with me, but it's also not necessary since I can now see all the way to the bottom!  I'm happy with it for $10 for 2 of them.

Got pretty much all the Christmas gifts bought and wrapped.  Oddly not looking forward to Christmas very much, though.  Bummer.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Thanksgiving Leftovers Wrap-Up

Sorry it's been a couple weeks since Thanksgiving and I haven't offered a decent report on those events!

As many of you most likely know, my birthday fell over Thanksgiving weekend this year (it's usually sometime around Thanksgiving).  I had a fabulous string of birthday-related events, starting with a wonderful surprise Team Trivia night on Wednesday with Super Husband, Alex and Kate and our favorite server Mindy.   I certainly wasn't expecting that!  They had party hats and a balloon and we all had some drinks, plus Super Husband got me cupcakes.  Hooray!  That was tons of fun and a nice way to unwind before Thanksgiving family stress.

Of course we had our turkey and ate it, too.  Our main Thanksgiving event with Super Husband's mom was very pleasant, and the fabulous weather didn't hurt!  Afterward I hopped over to my parents' house for a family birthday party, which included an Amazing Happy Birthday Candle  that looks like a flower, which opens, makes sparks, and plays music as the candles burn down.  It was like the 4th of July on a birthday cake.  Pure awesome.
The candle starts out like this (credit to some person's Instagram)...
... then finishes in a blaze of glory like this!  (Again, some person's Instagram via Amazon)
That was pretty show-stopping, and both Super Husband and I received some fabulous gifts as well.  I've been a bad person and haven't posted any pictures taken since Thanksgiving, and neglected to actually take any at Thanksgiving at all.  But I will get those up!  The mugs my sister in law Blair gave us are adorable and I've already had hot chocolate in one of them!

We did a little self-gifting too, making the effort to go Black Friday shopping at OfficeMax so Super Husband could get himself a new computer for cheap and we could nab a printer for his mom and a tiny flash drive for my sister.  I actually didn't get myself anything but I don't need anything, having just had a wedding and birthday and still having Christmas coming up!  I'm living in an embarrassment of gift wealth right now.

One "gift" I "gave" myself was a new cell phone, long overdue (same phone since 2008).  It actually still works pretty well, but I wanted to join the 21st century and be able to text, and since it was a flip phone it was not ideal for that purpose.  Plus it was starting to just not have the alarm go off, despite being set.  Not okay!  I need to wake up for work, phone.

This seemingly simple quest to get a new phone turned into a huge waste of time involving dragging my technophobe father and my tech-savvy brother in law to the "Verizon" store nearest to my parents' house, only to discover that this was but a mere authorized dealer, not a true Verizon corporate-run store.  So the best they could do was sell you devices and call customer service for you to set stuff up.  Thanks, I can do all that myself.  To add to their uselessness, they didn't even have the phone I'd chosen in stock, and refused to order it for me despite the fact that it was still prominently on display, since it is now considered "obsolete".  But I was told I could go online via Verizon's website and order it for myself, which is what I ended up doing.

But only after I sat on the phone with my dad and got designated as an Account Manager so that they'll let me do anything involving the account.  See, I'm still on a Family Share Plan from back in 2006, with no data, and up until recently no texting.  I had every intention of signing up for my own account, taking my number with me, and getting a smart phone for myself but when it came out to like $120 per month for one person, one device, one small data plan, I said no thanks.  

Maybe if I weren't facing a potential lay-off within the next month I'd have gone for it, but it seems ridiculous to have to pay that when I know other people in my family have smart phone plans with two people, two devices plus a hotspot device/service, and they pay about the same amount.  What. The. F.

I know this is all part of their pyramid scheme, just like DirecTV or the cable company.  The new people get slapped with the higher prices while the long-time customers keep paying their lower contract rate.  To add insult to injury, once I finally ordered my wonderous new device, I was coldly informed that there would be an upgrade fee of $30.  Despite the fact that I signed on for another 2-year contract and thus got a "free" phone, and have been "due" for a new "free" phone for 4 years.  Since April 2012, for all device "upgrades", be they replacing an old-ass phone or just getting the latest and greatest smart phone to replace the one you got last month, you pay $30.

Thank you, Verizon.  Well, here it is: the majestic and functional LG Extravert.  It actually suits my needs and use patterns quite well and it's a nice, snappy little phone.  But man I had to fight to get my hands on it about a week after I visited the store! I know, it looks like the phone everyone else got 6 years ago.  Don't burst my bubble!

LG Extravert, photo courtesy of
After that big disappointment, leaving the Verizon store empty-handed and downtrodden (first world problems), Super Husband and I met up with my dear ladies Caitlin and Sarah for some comforting pizza to binge upon.  We ate at Maciano's in Rockford, which none of us had been to before.  I Yelped about it here, but suffice to say it was delicious.  But all too short!  Everyone was tired - Sarah had just come off a 12 hour Black Friday shift, we'd been up all night shopping, and Caitlin had clinicals the next morning. It was still lovely to see them and I'm hoping they'll be available again soon!

After pizza coma, we foolishly enticed my sister and her husband to go to see "Skyfall" with us at 10:10 p.m.  I didn't know what to expect and am only a casual Bond film viewer, so my perspective is skewed.  But I enjoyed it.  It was different than other Bond movies.  More psychological and less power-hungry bad guys motivated by greed.

I won't give away any spoilers, but I would like to ask if anyone who is a Bond fan or has seen the movie at least can explain the whole Skyfall thing to me.  What's with that?  Is it something they made up just for this movie, or did it come from a book?  What does it even mean?  Seems like a weird name for what it is in the movie.  (If you've seen it, you know.)

After the madness of staying up forever and a half, we had an early-ish morning on Saturday that was made better by bacon and waffles (my birthday breakfast request at Nick's mom's house).  That was terrific! (No one says terrific anymore unless they're using it negatively - I'd like to change that!)  Unfortunately we had to sort of dine and dash, but I received some more lovely gifts.  In particular, a book about the American Museum of Natural History's taxidermy dioramas (how they were made, the people and the expeditions behind them, how the art was done, etc) that I find completely fascinating.   That book got me through the drive home!

I got to meet up with Kayla and Ali for drinks at Cafe Hollander later that night, and then we all did some ill-advised midnight bowling (despite, again, being very tired).  I appreciate them coming out and making the trip!  I had a nice time.

The weeks since then have been filled with the usual routine, plus a visit from the electrician for a new Coca-Cola ceiling fan (pictures to come sometime) and lots of gift buying and wrapping.  I'm going for a "give modestly but generously" thing this year.  Not sure how that works, but basically trying not to spend a lot of money while also giving nice, personal gifts to everyone.  I hope it works out.

And Alex, Kate & Kayla came by on Sunday!  Maybe I should start calling them "AKK" for short (not sure how they'd feel about that...).  We had pasta, chocolate fondue and played Cards Against Humanity, plus there was lots of wine.  Pretty dang good way to end the weekend/start the week!