Thursday, October 18, 2012

Honeymoon Trip: Days 9-10

I've been putting off finishing this, but I really should get to it.  So here goes nothing!

On Monday the 24th we got back on the train, after dropping off our rental car.  The majority of the trip can be summarized by this photo:

Since the novelty of the scenery had largely worn off, we only really took one scenic picture, which was of the snow that had crept down the mountains in the Rockies over the span of a week.  A nice sign that winter is coming.

Other than that, we tried to amuse ourselves.  I slept a lot, and we looked forward to every mealtime as a new distraction.  I finally tried their chocolate peanut-butter caramel cake, which sounded like a lot of stuff going on at once, but I figured what the heck.  Man, I wish I'd tried it sooner!  It was like Snickers in a cake.

Other than eating and looking out the window and sleeping a lot, we tried to get some thank you notes written.  But I soon realized that I'd left the piece of paper that detailed who gave us what back at home, so we couldn't do much once we'd written a few of the easy ones, like our parents and wedding party members.

Another point of interest for us was that there was a private car at the end of the train, attached to a classic Zephyr Silver Solarium car, for their private use.  It costs something like $8,000 a day to rent train cars like that, so whoever was back there was loaded and riding in style!  We only saw the outside, really, but a few people who were with a tour group managed to get a glimpse inside.  Swank.

Overall, the return train trip was uneventful.  It was pretty boring on the way back, especially Utah and Nebraska and Iowa.   We came into Chicago about 15 minutes late, which meant we wouldn't be able to hop the 3:15 train to Milwaukee and had to wait for our 5:08 as originally planned.

Longest. Wait. Ever.  But finally we were on our way, and we were so ready to be home!   I was ready to kiss the ground when I got back into Milwaukee.  My mother in law was there to pick us up and bring us home, and man we were glad to be back!  

This concludes the honeymoon recap finally.  Sorry for how long this took!  I'll try to keep up with blogging about normal life stuff - maybe more in-depth reviews of places we go and things we do.

For now, that's all folks!

1 comment:

  1. One of my favorite songs is about the California Zephyr.
