Thursday, August 23, 2012

Attractive, Attracting Attractions - First Installment

I'd like to start out by introducing you to my good friend, Trello.  Trello is a tool that helps you stay organized and collaborate on projects by creating boards and lists.  I started using it to keep track of all the stuff that still needed doing for the wedding, because I was losing my handle on things.

I made my bridesmaids join Trello so that I could keep them up to date on what kind of things needed doing,  as well as have everyone in a discussion space that wasn't Facebook, since my sister (and matron of honor) isn't on Facebook.  It worked pretty well, for the most part.  We got through the dress choosing, and the dress ordering, and they all planned the shower/bachelorette party together in secret.

Naturally I started keeping a running list of ideas for our honeymoon in Trello.  This evolved into a list for what to do before we leave (there is a LOT to do), what we need to pack, things we need to see, and so on.

I'll just tickle your fancy with one delightful attraction for today: Ghirardelli Square.

This is one that Super Fiance discovered the other day, and said something like "How did I not know this was a real thing?  We are GOING THERE."  (Okay, so I paraphrased him.)  But he was excited.

Located in the Fisherman's Wharf area on the Bay, Ghirardelli Square is home to great food, chocolate, ice cream, wine, and shopping.  Yes, it's a "tourist trap", but it has a longstanding place in San Francisco History, which is part of what makes it so interesting to me.  The location was in use from 1895 through the 1960s, until the company relocated.  The site was then purchased by developers who turned it into what it is today.

This intrigues me, because a similar project is planned for the old Pabst Brewery, a site near and dear to my heart (I used to be a scout group tour guide/teacher for the Pabst Mansion in Milwaukee).  I hate to see big pieces of industrial history get torn down, especially when they involve beautiful architecture or brickwork.  So something like Ghirardelli Square is right up my alley!  We will probably stop by here for a bite of lunch and some fooling around in shops one afternoon.

Stay tuned for more attractive, attracting attractions!

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