Friday, August 3, 2012

Every Woman Is a Fat Bride

Wedding-induced insanity update. We recently switched to DirecTV from Time Warner Cable.  After watching a few too many extended Sensa commercials, I started to get curious about if this wonder powder would actually work. My better judgement said "Fat chance!", but my curiosity won out and I Googled it today.  First source was the Mayo Clinic's site, which essentially said "This is a powdered smell thing that supposedly triggers appetite suppression, but doesn't really work."

Still curious, I went back to my Google search results and found this guy's review on Escape from Obesity blog.  He says it basically comes in two types: one for savory, which smells like onion power, and one for sweet which smells like Smarties candy.  Considering that I LOVE ONION POWDER AND ALREADY PUT IT ON EVERYTHING (almost), I really don't think Sensa would work for me.  Good thing I Googled and didn't just run out to GNC like a mad person!

For the record, I do not think I am fat, and I think I look awesome in my wedding dress as-is.  But since our wedding is now officially 43 days away (thanks Bed Bath and Beyond for that reminder!), I'm starting to become more concerned about my overall appearance for photography.  I'm paying a lot of money for those pictures!

I'm worried I'll get thinner a few years AFTER my wedding photos have been taken, and then always look back at them and regret that I looked how I did at the time.  Anyone else worry about these things??


  1. I had similar concerns about how I'd look in photos post-baby, to the point where I started worrying that I'd do my typical thing and shy away from photos with her because I wasn't happy with my weight. I had to get over that fast though, because I don't get to re-do her first few years when I lose weight.

    You will be gorgeous. You will only see how happy you were that day, I promise.

    1. Thanks! I know you are right, and the best makeup is a glowing happiness that radiates from inside out. I am focusing on a goal of being stress-free by the big day (which is partially the reason for this blog).
